Acid Fermentation of Urine
Acid Fermentation of Urine
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.12, 12:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Materials:
- Glass jar with airtight lid
- cardboard box
- pH strips
- Procedure:
- Urine sample was collected at noon in a sterilized glass jar. Subject is 21yo female, lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

- pH was measured, and jar was closed immediately. Jar was placed inside cardboard box and stored in the bathroom on the windowsill. Window has frosted glass and is facing an airshaft with very little sun exposure.
- Results:
- pH 6

- Using the following scale:

Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.13, 12:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 24 hours
- pH 6

- Sample has not changed in color, but has become cloudy at the bottom. A strong ammonia-like smell has developed.
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.14, 12:00am
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 36 hours
- pH 6

- No change
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.14, 12:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Outside temperature: high 77 °F, low 59 °F
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 48 hours
- pH 6
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.15, 12:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 72 hours
- pH 6
- No change
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.16, 8:00am
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 92 hours
- pH 6
- No change
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.17, 8:00am
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 116 hours
- pH 6
- No change
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.18, 11:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 140 hours
- pH 6
- No change
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.19, 1:20pm (Sample 2)
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- SAMPLE 2 - testing of "fiery" redhead:
- Fresh sample collected from female, strawberry blonde/redhead, 22 years old, lacto-ovo vegetarian
- Results:
- Hours passed from original collection: 0 hours
- pH 8

Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.19, 11:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Sample 1:
- Hours passed from original collection: 164 hours
- pH 6. No change.
- Sample 2:
- Hours passed from original collection: 9.66 hours
- pH 8. No change.
Left - sample 2. Right - sample 1 |
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.20, 10:20am
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Sample 2:
- Hours passed from original collection: 21 hours
- pH 8. No change.
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.20, 11:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Sample 1:
- Hours passed from original collection: 188 hours
- pH 6. No change.
- Sample 2:
- Hours passed from original collection: 33.66 hours
- pH 8. No change.
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.22, 11:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Sample 1:
- Hours passed from original collection: 236 hours
- pH 6. Cloudier - sediment collected on bottom.
- Sample 2:
- Hours passed from original collection: 81.66 hours
- pH 8. Cloudier - sediment collected on bottom.
Name: Naomi Rosenkranz
Date and Time:
2015.09.27, 11:00pm
Location: Naomi's Apartment (Manhattan)
Subject: Acid Fermentation of Urine
- Conditions:
- Results:
- Sample 1:
- Hours passed from original collection: 236 hours
- pH 8. Cloudier - sediment collected on bottom.
- Sample 2:
- Hours passed from original collection: 201.66 hours
- pH 9. Cloudier - sediment collected on bottom.
- Both samples are more alkaline.
Left - sample 1. Right - sample 2. |